Artificial Lift Optimization: Utilization of ESP Feedback Mode to Handle Low Productivity Index Well, Pertamina EP Field Subang


  • M. Soleh Ibrahim Pertamina EP
  • Wahyu Widiatmoko Pertamina EP
  • Ikin Hardikin Pertamina EP
  • Taufik Fansuri Pertamina EP
  • Bayu Apriansyah Pertamina EP
  • Asef Riyadi Pertamina EP

Kata Kunci:

Feedback Mode, Low Productivity Index, Production Optimization


PT Pertamina EP Asset 3 Subang Field has some dominant structure of oil producer. They are North Cilamaya, Bambu Besar & Jati Asri Structure. To optimize wells are not natural flow, the type of artificial lift method was applied in that structure is Electric Submersible Pump (ESP). ESP is one of artificial lift method which very efficient and reliable for wells have high productivity index. However, ESP wouldn't effective (often off production) when applied in wells have low productivity index. In Field Subang, there are two wells have low productivity index (CLU-18 and BBS-06), but because operational limitation so that we have optimization should be our concern. In this paper, we will discuss about production optimization of ESP wells that have Low Productivity Index by utilize Feedback Mode. After we utilize feedback mode, ESP can adjust the Low Productivity Index character of CLU-18 and BBS-06 wells, so that ESP can continue production 80 bopd (CLU-18) and 130 bopd (BBS06).




