Immiscible CO2 EOR Injection Coreflooding Optimization using Compositional Simulation Model for Sumatera Light Oil Field
Kata Kunci:
Enhanced Oil Recovery, Immiscible CO2 Injection, Coreflooding SimulationAbstrak
Many wells in Sumatra Field have already a decline in production after being produced naturally, but still have oil left in the reservoir. Therefore, there is a technique to produce the remaining oil reserves in the reservoir, it is called EOR (Enhanced Oil Recovery). EOR (Enhanced Oil Recovery) is basically defined as lifting oil with various methods such as Chemical flooding, Thermal Recovery and CO2 injection.
This paper describes Matching EOS model and Current Pressure CO2 injection Continous scenario of Coreflooding Simulation based on laboratorium experiment. PVT data of EOS modelling are Differential liberation, Constant Composition Expansion, Separator, Swelling test and MMP using CMG Simulator ( Winprop ). The PVT data sample used combination from the PVT data initial and PVT data current data property, therefore the fluid model resprents proper current reservoir property to be used in coreflooding simulation scenario.
Matching the scenario experiment data of coreflooding process simulation to get some parameter like injection rate, The value of SORW, Oil Viscosity. Therefore, the simulation model were valid to run sensitivity study over different scenario of injection such as continous CO2, various slug size, WAG and WAG ratio. Based on the purpose of this paper, this paper can be used for many various sensitivity of coreflooding simulation with one PVT data of laboratorium experiment and one scenario data coreflooding simulation to find the best scenario for the optimum of recovery factor.
From the results of this study, it can be used for field development by upgrading the coreflooding model into a field model and also which scenario is the best for implementing.