The Effect of Metal-based Nanopowder on Viscosity Reduction of Heavy Oil


  • Gerry Sasanti Nirmala ITB
  • Sudjati Rachmat ITB
  • Taufan Marhaendrajana ITB
  • Achmad Munir ITB


Nano technology has been widely used in various fields. In oil production, nano particles have been shown to be able to act as catalysts in breaking carbon bonds in heavy oils. Previous researches showed that nano particle can significantly increase the heating process of heavy oils. In this research, a study was conducted to examine the effect of various metalbased nanopowders on the effectiveness of viscosity reduction using microwave heating. The experimental set-up was carried out based on previous experiment using sandpack model. The nanopowder used were Ferro Oxide (Fe2O3), Aluminum Oxide (Al2O3), and Copper Oxide (CuO). Those nanopowder compounds are metal-based with different magnetic susceptibility. Ferro oxide and copper oxide has positive magnetic susceptibility (paramagnetic), so it’s heating rate would be faster than aluminium oxide that has negatif  magnetic susceptibility (diamagnetic). Ferro Oxide reaches a temperature of 90oC in 240 seconds which was the fastest time that can be achieved compared to the use of other nanopowders. The results of subsequent experiments with copper oxide and aluminum oxide respectively were 460 seconds and 780 seconds. Aluminum oxide reaches the longest time of this heating  rocess due to its natural properties as an insulator in heat and electricity.




