PVT Quality Control Data On Retrograde Reservoir Fluid For Compositional Fluid Modeling


  • Suryo Adi Putranto Pertamina
  • Hanief Jauhari Pertamina
  • Bagus Surya Bahari Pertamina
  • Michael Anggi G A Pertamina

Kata Kunci:

PVT, Retrograde Reservoir, Compositional Fluid Modeling


Quality control of PVT data from laboratory measurements needs to be done before the data is used for fluid models. PVT data with good quality will help in the validity of the fluid model. Quality control is done by calculating the Gas Oil/Condensate Ratio and STO Oil/Condensate Density on the model based on the composition of the hydrocarbon fluid. The calculation results are then compared with the prices of the Gas Oil/Condensate Ratio and STO Oil/Condensate Density measurement results. Then these results are used as the basis for making fluid models. To validate, this fluid model is used to create a well model for calculating vertical lift performance. Quality Control results show that there is a discrepancy in the GOR parameter of 27%, with a tolerance of 10%. For STO oil/condensate density of 0.08 gr/cc with a tolerance of 0.02 gr/cc. Because the results of the discrepancy are above the tolerance limit, adjustments are made by making a composition gradient that is adjusted to the GOR from laboratory measurements of 43411 SCF/STB. The results of the calculation of vertical lift performance obtained good results, with the difference to the slickline measurement data, the average is below 2%. This result is much better than the results of the well model using the black oil model. This paper describes the fluid model validation method by integrating several other supporting data in addition to only laboratory measurements. 




