From Manual to Mobile – PEARL Based on Android Operating System as Innovative Technology for Designing Sucker Rod Pump (Study Case: PDN – 039)


  • Dayanara Surya Pertamina EP
  • Panca Wibawa Putra Pertamina EP
  • M. Nur Pertamina EP
  • Nayung Galih Pertamina EP

Kata Kunci:

Application, Sucker Rod Pump Design, Industry 4.0, Technology


PDN-039 is one of active oil production well at Limau Field using ESP (Electric Submersible Pump) as its lifting. Based on Quadrant Mapping Analysis, PDN-039’s existing ESP is not optimum and has short lifetime production because the ESP design is not suitable with the well characteristic. Engineering & Planning Team decide to change the lifting from ESP to Sucker Rod Pump. There are obstacles in changing the pump such as existing sucker rod pump design in Microsoft Excel there are many rounding calculations so it is less accurate and coordination with related department is late because we only can do the design at office and using computer. Other than that, based on Work from Home Regulation we find some difficulties to access any excel calculation from our home. Realizing these problems and supporting industry 4.0 era where all is become digital, we invent PEARL  Application. This application is built based on international standards such as API RP 11 L and literatures for designing sucker rod pump and calculating well potential which is translated into Android Language. By PEARL Application, we transform the lifting design from manual and limited access with Microsoft Excel become mobile and can be conducted anytime and anywhere. This technology is applicable and helpful during this work from home regulation, so we can do the design very easy. With PEARL
Application, the accurate calculation result and give easiness to the user to operate it anytime and anywhere so it eliminates the late coordination problem. By applicating the sucker rod pump Design from PEARL Application, PDN – 39 has longer lifetime production. PEARL Application is an original innovation technology from PT. PERTAMINA EP Limau Field and has been  implemented massively in several fields under PT. PERTAMINA EP. This application technology is supported Production Engineering Job for knowing the well potential and design sucker rod pump. 




