Drill Bit Design Optimization with Unique Hydraulics Pushing Drilling Performance Boundaries and Establishing World Record on Rotary Steerable System BHA: A Mahakam Success Story


  • Aditia Hermawan Pertamina Hulu Mahakam
  • Surikno Sugiarto Pertamina Hulu Mahakam
  • Setiohadi Setiohadi Pertamina Hulu Mahakam
  • Praja Hadistira Pertamina Hulu Mahakam
  • M Alfianoor Yudhatama Pertamina Hulu Mahakam
  • Ryan Wijaya Pertamina Hulu Mahakam
  • Andre Wiharja Pertamina Hulu Mahakam
  • Crisa Agriawan Pertamina Hulu Mahakam

Kata Kunci:

Drill Bit Design, Unique Hydraulics, World Record, Drilling Performance, Mahakam


A major oil and gas company operating in Mahakam, East Kalimantan identified a new and unique drill bit technology with the objective to improve drilling performance. Along with other techniques such as application of enhanced drilling parameters and fast drill pipe connection, drill bit design optimization with unique hydraulics is set up to break drilling performance records. This paper focuses on the drill bit design optimization. Careful analysis of the drilling challenges faced in Mahakam Area Tunu Field 8 ½” section allowed the operating company to identify and select appropriate drilling practices and drill bit features that would solve specific drilling problems. As part of a continuous improvement philosophy, these features and technologies were then incorporated into a new drill bit design that was rapidly prototyped to solve the specific drilling issues encountered in this application. This new feature focuses on enhancing the drill bit hydraulics, effectively transporting the cuttings up faster than standard hydraulics. The systematic approach to problem solving and careful selection of available technologies resulted in a record breaking first run performance when the new concepts were tested on a rotary steerable BHA. Quantitatively, new 24-hour footage and Rate of Penetration (ROP) records were set for the 8 ½” section, and the run was also one of the longest in this application with the rig reporting impressive directional response and smooth drilling. The second test of the unique hydraulics drill bit drilled deeper and pushed harder resulting in the previously set records being beaten again. This second test was also a new 24-hour world record for that rotary steerable tool. The performance was an increase of 50% faster than the previous 24-hour benchmark. This case study serves as an example that drill bit optimization and best practices can lead to breaking drilling performance records resulting in cost savings by reducing the drilling time. 




