Onshore Treatment of SBM Cuttings as Zero Discharge Preparation: Cost Efficiency of a Compliance Method in Offshore Mahakam


  • I Gede Suryana Saptawirawan Pertamina Hulu Mahakam
  • Ahyat Muhyinsyah Pertamina Hulu Mahakam
  • Orig Setianto Hartoyo Pertamina Hulu Mahakam
  • Navisa Navisa Pertamina Hulu Mahakam


Cost efficiency, Drilling waste management, Ex-situ dumping, Onshore treatment, SBM Cuttings, Zero Discharge


Offshore Mahakam is a mature field developed by Pertamina Hulu Mahakam. In Maintaining production going, more wells must be drilled. Consequently, a large amount of cuttings is generated, particularly SBM cuttings, which is considered hazardous waste. Hazardous waste management is regulated in Peraturan Pemerintah (PP) Republik Indonesia No. 22 tahun 2021 and Peraturan Menteri LHK no 6 tahun 20211, which stated that SBM cuttings can be discharged to the sea in designated areas with a dumping permit. Ex-situ dumping methods had been applied initially for handling SBM Cuttings in Offshore Mahakam, but the costs involved are quite large. Therefore, the Onshore Treatment method is developed to achieve cost efficiency in drilling operation, which is still in compliance with the regulation. This study examined the technical and financial viability of implementing the onshore treatment for SBM cutting in Offshore Mahakam.




