Maximizing Operational Synergy for Drilling-ProductionConstruction in Congested Tripod Platform: Enhancing Values on South Mahakam Offshore


  • Ardho Fidiansyah Pertamina Hulu Mahakam
  • Denya Pratama Yudhia Pertamina Hulu Mahakam
  • Ana Sri Redjeki Pertamina Hulu Mahakam
  • Amin Maruf Pertamina Hulu Mahakam
  • Bonifasius Muryanto Pertamina Hulu Mahakam
  • Agus Siswanto Pertamina Hulu Mahakam
  • Wahyu Priyanto Pertamina Hulu Mahakam
  • M. Fauzan Guciano Pertamina Hulu Mahakam
  • Risal Rahman Pertamina Hulu Mahakam


Operational Synergy, Simultaneous Operations, Rig Move, Rig Positioning, Jack up, Production Acceleration, Well Duration Optimization, Cost Saving, Shortfall Avoidance, Minimalist Platform


South Mahakam area lies in the offshore Mahakam, located approximately 35 km southeast of Balikpapan city with water depths ranging between 45 to 60 meters. The existing development of South Mahakam gas field consists of 4 minimalistic Tripod Production Platforms (27 producer wells). Being crowded with production installations, Simultaneous Operations (SIMOPS) has a little room for feasibility.
Pertamina Hulu Mahakam as current operator restarted the South Mahakam campaign, drilling infill wells using 400 ft Jack-up rig from the existing Platforms. In order to maximize the economics of the campaign, collaboration of multi-entities in PHM led to a breakthrough in an efficient operation synergy on MI Platform in the aspects of Drilling-Production- Construction. Significant gain in productivity and cost-efficiency has been obtained thanks to the raised initiatives, with an added-value in unlocking similar gain on other minimalist Platforms.
This paper is a summary of tremendous efforts performed by cross divisions and several contractors, to maximize values through followings:
1. Optimizing Site-Readiness prior Rig Move-In with an offline Conductor Pipes preparation. 2. Optimizing Rig-Platform interfacing despite constraints coming from marginal clearance on the Platform and the fact that a heavy-structured JU2000E class Jack Up is used in the campaign:
a. Keeping Platform structures in place (Platform Crane and Boat Landing) which successfully avoided production shortfall from the removal operations.
b. Sustaining the setup for a Pipeline Friction-Reducer Installation on the Platform, successfully avoiding a massive production shortfall for the whole South Mahakam.
3. Executing additional Simultaneous Operations (SIMOPS) on top of Drilling activities in the forms of: Under-cantilever Electric line Perforation, Well Connection and Well POP. Aimed at accelerating production with overall lesser rig time.
The resulting benefits of these synergy initiatives are: Production Shortfall avoidance of 1.7 Bef, a Drillex Saving of $1.80 M, and a potential of 171 MMSCF of Production Acceleration. Despite the operational challenges, the benefits above have been delivered without safety incidents, thanks to excellent risk assessment and implementation of clear operational procedures and safety methods.




