Strategy & Planning of Water Management System for Shale Hydrocarbon Development in Indonesia
Water management system, shale hidrocarbon, fracturingAbstract
The alternative to reduce the national oil and gas production deficits is to develop oil and gas from non-conventional sources, one of which is shale gas or shale oil. Geological Agency data (2012) states that Indonesia's shale gas reserves are estimated at around 574 trillion cubic feet (tcf). Even IHS Global Insight estimates that Indonesia's shale gas potential is much higher than the government's conservative estimate of almost 5,000 tef, with a potentially high potential play resource of 1,542 Tcf.
In the development of shale gas or oil is necessary to do hyraullic fracturing or often called fraking. Namely pumping millions of gallons of water, sand, and chemical mixtures, from salt and citric acid to carcinogenic substances, including benzene, formaldehyde, and tin with pressure up to 15,000 psi through wells drilled horizontally to shale rock formations beneath the soil surface. This process certainly has the potential to cause the area around the problem drilling with water.
Based on the experience in the United States, for one reinjection requires 10000 m3 or approximately 1.9 million liters. Even the Environmental Protection Agency in the United States estimates that every year, between 70 billion to 140 billion gallons of water have been used for such activities. This is equivalent to spending 40 to 80 cities with a population of about 50,000.
In addition, fracking waste fluid consisting of many chemicals for compounds between these chemicals. The waste would require special treatment before disposal or reuse. Because if it is not addressed first, then it can lead to contamination of surface water and groundwater. Therefore, special planning and strategy in water management management system will be needed when developing shale gas or oil. Focus of this paper will only discuss planning and technical aspects of water management, especially the provision of water and water resources in the development of shale gas or oil fields.